
Powerful Healing. Active Relationship with Nature & Spirit

Shamanism is an ancient practice found in many cultures all over the world. A shamanic practitioner uses various methods to access spiritual power and healing information. One of the most widely used methods is called the shamanic journey where a shaman enters non-ordinary reality (The Hidden Universe) aided by drumming and other techniques. A shamanic practitioner connects when a monotonous drumbeat is heard, altering brainwaves and creating a deep state of relaxation/trance. In the trance state they can obtain healing visions and access spiritual guidance and power often represented as animals, nature spirits & divine teachers. Many types of healings are available to shamanic practitioners helping in many areas of life. There is a potentially endless amount of healings & information available in non-ordinary reality.

The goal of shamanic healing is to restore power. Power loss is seen as the spiritual cause for illness; an unhappy life, addictions, accidents and poor luck.

We also offer shamanic healings for animals, beings who have physically transitioned, land, homes and businesses.

Soul Retrieval

In the shamanic view of life, traumatic events often cause us to lose part of our power, fragmenting our soul. Usually, as a reaction to these events parts of our soul/essence will leave us. There is no shame in this natural reaction. In our modern culture we have forgotten the knowledge of the impact of traumas on our soul essence. Soul loss is a defense mechanism and is actually a positive occurrence. However, in most cases, the soul does not return on it’s own. There are multiple types of soul loss and reasons it happens. Some examples are; soul stealing, self abuse & dishonoring our own power. Soul stealing often occurs in situations where power is strongly dishonored (eg. Abusive ex, boss, parent). It is also possible that when we commit certain actions that dishonor our own essence, pieces may leave for various reasons. Soul loss can occur. Some reasons may be to cope with our circumstances we can lose or give up parts of ourself to survive & avoid significant pain. Forcing yourself to fit in, shocking & terrifying events, accidents, abusive relationships, near death experiences, health crisis’. Feeling that your beautiful and lovely truth doesn’t deserve or isn’t safe in your circumstances; maybe even in this world.

It is common that after soul loss, our inner compass may ache and yearn for our power, essence, truth to return. To feel whole again. “It feels like a piece of me is missing” “I don’t feel like myself since I was in that car accident” “After we broke up I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore”. Sometimes trauma will create a magnet that attracts the challenges of that trauma to reoccur until it is healed. A possible reason why people may find themselves re-experiencing similar traumas. Soul loss is often likely one of the root causes of addictive & self-limiting behaviours. Other symptoms can manifest as illness, chronic depression, panic attacks, and so on. Deprived of our most powerful essence, we become more open to becoming unwell. I do not claim to know everything about every healing modality that exists. There are various healing modalities that can assist or even facilitate retrieval of our true soul essence. But shamanism is an ancient healing practice and one thing it is known to specialize and be effective in is healing trauma.

An important thing to remember is that the reason certain events cause shock and trauma is because those energies are so far from what our truth is. Otherwise these events wouldn’t cause the damage that they do.

Soul loss is so common in our culture that most of us have forgotten what it feels like to be fully at home in our body. The soul parts we lose often contain our innate gifts and talents, our willpower and desire to do well, as well as our self-love, joy and laughter. After soul loss, we may give up a much enjoyed hobby, an art form or activities that nurture our soul.

The ceremony performed by a shamanic practitioner in the case of soul loss is called Soul Retrieval. A trained practitioner can find the person’s lost essence and bring it back to the person’s body. The practitioner will often bring back a story as to why the soul left in the first place.

The effects of a Soul Retrieval can be far reaching and can bring peace and power to a person seeking healing.
*It is necessary to do a Power Animal Retrieval before a Soul Retrieval in our practice.

Power Animal Retrieval

Another practice to restore power is a Power Animal retrieval. The practitioner journeys to seek out a spirit protector for the client to help them in their daily lives and re/form a bond with them.

It is a belief in shamanism that when someone becomes disconnected from their power animal that they are more prone to negative influences and harm in their lives. This often occurs at a young age.

We will also recommend practices to connect to your power animal and strengthen your relationship with them which can bring many powerful benefits to your everyday life.


Extraction is a shamanic healing method to remove spiritual intrusions from a person’s being. Sometimes in power loss energies that aren’t benevolent to a person’s highest good can become attached. In extraction any energies that the client is ready to let go of and are limiting/harming them are removed. Afterwards the shamanic practitioner will empower and bless the areas where the intrusions took space. This is to prevent and protect you from them having any possibility of returning.
*It is necessary to do a Power Animal Retrieval before an extraction in our practice.


In shamanism divination is the practice of asking benevolent spirit helpers to share their perspective on a question or situation. You can ask a specific question or share with us events in your life. We then journey to our helping spirits and will share a story or information that was received. This practice and information can give great clarity and possibly even peace. We can also teach you to journey and find answers for yourself.

Learn to Journey

In this session we will teach you the essentials to be able to journey. You will be taught about the landscape and necessary information needed to safely travel non-ordinary reality. Furthermore, you will be taught the proper process of journeying and practice in the safe environment our practitioners provide.
*It is necessary to do a Power Animal Retrieval before learning to journey in our practice.

House Clearings

From a shamanic perspective a home is a being. It has it’s own character affected by the events that happen within and outside of it. A home has a soul. And just like us humans it can get sick, be damaged, hurt, feel off, etc.

Is there a room in your house that just doesn’t feel right? Things keep breaking down and it seems like your place almost has bad luck? Maybe your home doesn’t feel like…home. We can perform healings for your home to clear any negative energies and help your own personal haven feel it’s best.
We can also perform healings on business space & buildings.

Business Healings

You may be wondering “how does a nature-based practice have anything to do with my business?”. Well a business is an entity that has many moving parts working together to create a balance & hopefully, prosperity & many other positive results. Just like an ecosystem. A business also has an identity that your customers relate to. It has a soul just like us, and sometimes a business can become ill, forget it’s goals or even lose what makes it great. With shamanism I will work with my spirit helpers to see what is working against your businesses greatest potential and facilitate healings to remove obstacles and find what is best for the health and prosperity of your business. Furthermore, apply strong protections. Which may include active practices to help you help your business to heal and grow.


We journey to beings (relatives, friends, people, animals, etc.) that have passed on. In this process we can obtain and share information from them. Also, with their permission we can perform healing on them or help them transition. Through healing them, we can help to set them up in the best ways possible for their next journey. The information and witnessing of this healing can be a powerful healing for you as well. We recommend considering the option of also having a treatment done for you if you feel there are things to heal from your connection with these beings as well. It is possible this can be done during the same session if it calls to you.

Land Healings

Healings can be performed on lands to remove any energies limiting or harming an environment. Those energies are then replaced with benevolent energies such as health, harmony or protection.

Shamanism has become accessible to many in our time thanks to Michael Harner PhD. He was an anthropologist who devoted his life to the preservation of ancient shamanic knowledge. Harner created a foundation, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies which teaches worldwide. The Foundation also sponsors and supports traditional elders and shamans all over the world and works at the preservation of ancient shamanic knowledge.